What Your Job Ad Says About You
Recruitment expert Stevie Buckley walks you through some of the mistakes he regularly sees in your job advert and helps you write better job adverts that actually work.
Writing Effective Cover Letters
How to create a simple cover letter guaranteed to stand out
Grow Your Own Recruiter
I join the immense Douglas Squirrel on his livestream to discuss:
The dark art of sourcing and whether you need to nurture relationships before hiring—or just dial for dollars.
Where to look for an internal recruiter and what skills she has to have to be successful.
Why some of the best candidates for your role may not even know the programming languages you use, and how to find these hidden candidates nonetheless.
The Secret to Hiring Success
I’m going to teach you a secret to hiring that I’ve iterated on, tested, and deeply measured for over a decade where my definitive conclusion is that it’s the single most effective way to dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to fill a new vacancy.